Verse & Vision of Sunil Ghimire

[A Human. Being.] [Noun.]

Sunil Ghimire is a NLP Engineer passionate about literature. He believes that words and data are the two most powerful tools to change the world. Most of his time is spent staring at a computer screen. During the day, he is usually programming, working to derive insight from large datasets. His skills include data analysis, visualization, and machine learning. He has developed a strong acumen for problem-solving, and he enjoys occasional challenges. He often works on end-to-end data science projects that usually begin from collecting data from third-party sources and end with delivering business insight in the form of customer segments.

At night, he takes some time off to work on things he is passionate about. He writes articles and publishes them on the Internet. Sometimes, he creates personal projects and writes tutorials on them. He also enjoys going on sites like HackerRank and trying out their programming challenges.

He has an Instagram page named TECH TUTOR. He is teaching people about various tech and programming stuff on that page. He gets a number of queries regarding job, professional education, technology, internet, and projects regarding artificial intelligence on his email and other social networking platforms, where he with utmost interest shares his perspective.

  • Email
  • Favourite Quotation
  • Favourite Equation

My Skill

Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world… if you do so, you are insulting yourself. Bill Gates

Languages and Technologies Skills



Data Science


Deep Learning


Computer Vision


Natural Language Processing


Time Series


Devops [Git, Docker, AWS]


Useful Machine Learning Libraries
















Life without knowledge is death in disguise. Talib Kweli
Aug 2021 - Present

Machine Learning Engineer

Company Name: FuseMachines

Jan 2021 - Aug 2021

Graduate Teaching Assistant of AI and ML

College: Herald College Kathmandu

2022 - Present

Manage Blog and Instagram

Blog: ([[GRASP CODING]]) | Instagram: ([[TECH TUTOR]])


Networking and Socializing

Reach out for any future trends talks to stay updated and engaged in the evolving landscape of NLP.

Data Science

Can create and design machine learning pipelines and personalized data products to better understand of business and customers.

Online Course Design

Can create and design online course with purposeful planning, sequencing, pacing and organizing.

Technical Writing

Can create and design professional content journal articles, assessments, technical and instructional manuals and training guides.


You can do anything you set your mind to. Benjamin Franklin
Resume and CV parser

Resume Parser

Build a simple and beautiful program which is designed to scan the document, analyze it and extract information important to recruiters

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Auto Tweet Bot Web Automation Project

Auto Tweet Bot

Web Automation project using Selenium which automatically tweets "Teletubbies Transcript" line-by-line on Twitter.

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Object Tracker Using YOLO Neural Network

Object Tracker Using YOLO

Build a real-time object tracker computer technology related to computer vision and video processing

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Three Real Time Data Science Project

Real Time Data Science Project

Develop an AI model to predict the Price of Airlines, Predict the strength of a Password, and Predict the Prices of a Stock.

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Blood Cancer Detectio

Blood Cancer Detection

Worked on detecting Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma from group of blood cancers and achieved 91% validation accuracy

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Credit Card Fraud Detection

Credit Card Fraud Detection

Worked on detecting fraud and genuine trasactions using Logistic egression, Random Forest Classifier and Autoencoder

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Car and Plane Detection

Car and Plane Detection

Worked on detecting car and plane using Convolution Neural Network and achieved 87%
validation accuracy

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Movie Review Analyze

Movie Review Analyze

Worked on 25000 movie reviews for training and 25000 for testing and achieved 68% validation accuracy

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Movie Title Recommendation

Movie Title Recommendation

Worked on movies title and movies rating dataset and KNN algorithm is used to define some distance metric between the items

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PCA from scratch

PCA from scratch

Obtained direction of maximal variation and diagonalizing the covariance matrix by minimizing reconstruction error

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Ultimate guide to python basics

Ultimate guide to python basics

Python is much more efficient as developers are allowed to write programs with fewer lines of code than other programming languages.

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KNN from scratch

KNN from scratch

Research is used to discover how to implement the k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm from scratch with Python.

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Build using Keras which is a Deep Learning Library, Natural Language Processing Toolkit (NLTK), Tkinter, and some other helpful libraries.

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Face Recognition

Face Recognition

Using a Python 3.7.3, OpenCV, and some other Python helpful libraries to build face recognition and detection program.

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The Hangman is based on a guessing word, phrase, or sentence game for two
or more players.

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Air Route Tracker

Air Route Tracker

Air route tracker python is simple as well as user friendly program that everyone can use it offline to identify airline paths.

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Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe

Based on minimax algorithm. It is extremely effective in fields such as Artificial Intelligence, Finance, Game Theory, or Statistics.

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Vehicle Detection & Counting

Vehicle Detection & Counting

In an intelligent transportation system, especially for traffic management, vehicle detection and counting system plays an important role.

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Questions of Statistics & ML

Questions of Statistics & ML

I have tried to summarize detailed 50 tricky and insightful questions on statistics and machine learning discussion that should benefit you.

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Think Big And Don’t Listen To People Who Tell You It Can’t Be Done. Life’s Too Short To Think Small. Tim Ferriss

An Intelligent Autopilot System

I focused on the “An Intelligent Autopilot System that Learns Drive” i.e. autonomous steering largely unexplored activity.

Posted by Sunil at 19 November, 2020

Linear Regression from Scratch

Linear Regression is a supervised method that attempts to find a relationship a continuous set of variables.

Posted by Sunil & Diwas at 22 June, 2020


Contact Info

Let’s not be strangers, just say HELLO . Sunil love hearing from you. Please feel free to contact him at any time without any hesitation. He will do everything he can and will try to respond to you as soon as he can.

Reach him however, wherever you like.


Tokha Municipality-09


+977 9841070311

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